Let’s talk about generic cooling lines from the Cooling Wizard.
My Moldflow customers either seem to love or hate the Runner or Cooling wizards. I use the Cooling wizard to generate a quick cooling concept that I can compare back to my results from a Fill+Pack+Warp (FPW). The FPW results will not see any influence from cooling so these results could show less warpage than reality. On the other side, my warpage results from a generic cooling will likely be a “worse case scenario”. Our actual warpage results will likely be somewhere in between.
Once the tool is designed, a good suggestion would be to run a Cool+Fill+Pack+Warp with your actual cooling channels.
You can easily go to Geometry – Create Panel – Cooling circuit wizard and adjust the diameters, number of circuits, and length of the channels. If you would like – you can even modify the design slightly to be more conforming to your part.
Do you ever use the Cooling Circuit Wizard?
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